Collections for New Arrivals

UPDATE - 7.12.22

There have been so many generous donations of clothing that the immediate priority is to sort them, therefore the Donation Points will be closed until the new year to allow volunteers time for this.

Thank you for all your support, and please do check back here in January for confirmation of Donation Points and opening times.


In December, a large group of people of all ages who are seeking asylum in the UK will arrive in York. We are calling on the people of York, who have proved themselves to be so generous and kind in the past, to get involved as they are able and donate any items from the list below to the following locations:


10am-12pm St Barnabas Church, Jubilee Terrace YO26 4YT

12pm-4pm Clifton Parish Church (St Philip and St James’ Church) Clifton, YO30 6BH


10am-12pm St Paul’s Church, Holgate Road, YO24 4BF


12pm-2pm Clifton Parish Church (St Philip and St James’ Church) Clifton, YO30 6BH


2pm-4:30pm Holy Trinity Heworth Church, East Parade, YO31 0RP

Items needed:

New: Underwear - men’s sizes small and medium most needed, women’s sizes small and medium most needed, children and teens all sizes

New: Socks - men’s, women’s, children’s, and teen’s all sizes

Second hand clothing should be washed and good quality. All sizes are needed for children and teens. For men and women, sizes small and medium are most needed. Please be mindful of any slogans printed on garments and whether they are appopriate.

T-shirts (for women these should be high neck/modest)

Leggings, jeans, trousers, long skirts

Warm jumpers and hoodies

Trainers and shoes (waterproof)

Warm, waterproof coats

Hats, scarves, gloves

Women’s handbags and purses for everyday use


New hairbrushes and combs

Feminine hygiene products

For children and teens:

Pencils and pens, with pencil case

Colouring pens

Notebooks and colouring books

Toys (washed if not new)

Puzzles and simple games (not with complex instructions in English)