2017 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Refugee Action York (RAY) will be held at Clifton Green Primary School, Water Lane,  York, YO30 6JA on Sunday 12th November  at 4.00 p.m.  The venue will be open from 3.45 pm. At 4 pm we will transact the following business:

1.  Welcome
2.  Apologies
3.  Minutes of the AGM held on 16 October 2016 and matters arising  (attachment)
4.  Chair’s report (attachment)
5.  Annual Accounts to 31 March 2017 and Treasurer’s report (attachment)
6.  Election of Trustees (attachment)

All current members and supporters of RAY are invited to attend. New members, who support the objectives of RAY, are welcome to join and membership forms will be available at the AGM. There is no membership subscription but donations are welcome.  If you are thinking of attending can you let us know so that we know how many to cater for.

Members’ resolutions and nominations for Trustees can be submitted. They must be proposed and seconded by members, and must be received by Sally Bourton (sallybourton@yahoo.co.uk) by noon on 7th November 2017.

In order to save paper, printed versions of this notice and the attachments will not be available at the AGM. 

Attached Documents
AGM 2016 
Election of Trustees
Finance Report
Notice of Meeting
Ray Chair's report 2017

Events for refugee week 2016

  • Friday 17th June, 8pm, The Winning Post, Bishopthorpe Rd, York, a Refugee Action York benefit gig with Atomic Raygun plus support. Admission: £4

  • Saturday 18th June, York Festival of Ideas, University of York. Four talks on refugees: Refugees and Migrants: An Escalating Crisis, Migration, Migrants and the Media, Creating a Tolerant Society and Building a Secure World for the Future. Admission: Free (booking required).

  • Monday 20th June. 6.15pm, City Screen cinema. Three films: Precarious Trajectories: Voices From The Mediterranean Migration Crisis, Seeking Asylum, Blue Moment followed by Q&A with the directors. Admission: £7

  • Tuesday 21st June, 8pm, The Winning Post, Bishopthorpe Road, York. Pub Quiz in aid of Refugee Action York. Just turn up on the night. Admission: Donations.

    Saturday 25th June, 11am – 2pm, stall in Exhibition Square, outside the Art Gallery. Volunteers from Amnesty International, the British Red Cross and Refugee Action York will be sharing information.

  • Sunday 26th June, 11am – 12 noon, Unitarian Church, St Saviourgate, York. An Interfaith service, all most welcome. Refreshments afterwards.

Use this poster to promote these events


More information about these events can be found at http://yorksaysrefugeeswelcomehere.org/